Important Message

Village Hall and the Court Department will be closed on February 17th for Presidents Day

Published on September 3, 2024

Keep Your Car Safe: Remember to Lock Up

It’s a reminder you’ve probably heard before, but it’s crucial to always lock your car when you leave it unattended. Studies reveal that most burglarized or stolen vehicles were left unlocked. Don’t become the next victim—follow these simple steps to protect your vehicle:

  • Always lock your vehicle, even when it’s in your driveway or garage.
  • Take your keys or fob with you every time.
  • Never leave or hide a smart key, valet key, or spare key anywhere in or on your vehicle, regardless of where you park it.
  • Never leave your car running while unattended or unlocked.
  • If possible, park in a locked garage.
  • Choose well-lit areas to park your vehicle.
  • Keep your home’s exterior and driveways well-lit.
  • Close all your vehicle’s windows completely when parked.
  • Consider installing a GPS system, a visible anti-theft device, or an audible alarm.
  • Never leave valuable items in your vehicle.
  • Secure your garage door opener to prevent unauthorized access to your home.

If you notice anything suspicious, remember: “See Something, Say Something.” Dial 9-1-1 and be ready to provide the police with detailed information about the suspicious person or vehicle.