Important Message

Village Hall and the Court Department will be closed on February 17th for Presidents Day

Storm Water Management

Every spring the village invites public comments and questions in regards to our MS4 annually reports before filing with New York State.

The village has adopted the Nassau County Storm Water procedures as show in their  brochures. These brochures are mailed annually to our residents as well as displayed at our Village Hall.

Nassau County Storm Water Management Program Department of Department of Public Works

In keeping with County Executive Ed Mangano goal of smart government initiatives, this Department has formed an inter-municipal coalition with the local Towns, Cities and Villages to implement the Nassau County Storm Water Management Program (NCSWMP). This consortium, which includes 57 municipalities in the County, has not only been recognized by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation as a model for implementing a regional storm water program but has also received one of the largest grants, totaling $500,000, that the state awarded. The NCSWMP includes a listing of Best Management Practices (BMP’s) that will be implemented by the County and its municipal partners in order to achieve the regulatory standard of reducing pollutants in the storm water to the maximum extent practicable.

The village has adopted along with Nassau County the following  six required components:

  • Public Education
  • Public Involvement and Participation
  • Illicit Discharge Detection
  • Construction Site Storm Water Runoff Control
  • Post Construction Storm Water Management
  • Pollution Prevention /Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations

Watch for future links to additional information on these 6 components.

What’s New

Lawn care and plant maintenance when not done properly can have a detrimental effect on the streams, ponds and bays within and around the County.

Looking to get involved? The County will make available medallions that educate the public that what enters the catch basins in the road enters our precious water bodies. These medallions are available to the public, civic groups, organizations and schools. If interested these medallions and glue will be made available for you to attach to catch basins in your community. Click here to see what you need to do to get involved.

If you would like to report someone dumping into or having an illegal connection to the storm sewer system.


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